Hi, I'm Anita and the founder of SingleTree Lane . My path to fashion iconism started in early childhood, specifically the 1970s and has continued with zeal to this day. I turned my early passion for Ditto Jeans into a career in fashion.

In my youth, I quickly discovered that I like pushing boundaries and getting a marked reaction with my wardrobe choices. I was never one to accept the restrictions placed on me by society. I'm a Victorian rock star, a retro aficionado with a modern twist, a devotee of the eclectic, Bohemian, and free-spirited styles. My wardrobe style has never exemplified or conformed to the norm or the mainstream. I always looked beyond what people deemed as trendy at the time; I searched for my own cutting edge in order to tell my story in the clothing I chose to wear. It is from that spirit and authentic attitude that I created these brands.

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Each of these brands represent a different part of my personality - Anita Davenport

SingleTree Lane. 2023

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